Bangaloreans are very Horny!

To all Horny people!!

An Horny Guy

Disclaimer: This article doesn’t contain anything related to you or anyone whom you know, might be of someone you don’t or wouldn’t know. If you find any similarity with yourself or any dear one, then you stand exposed here. 😉

Chee, all of you are perverts!!! Nothing sexual here, only an article on Bengalurean’s (Banglaoreans) or rather Indian’s fondness of honking of horns.

“Ayie, yako kivi kelsalva, ashtu sarthi horn hodithini” (Can’t you hear, I have been repeatedly honking) shouted an A**H***, and my reply was simple.

“Haarkondu hogolo” (Fly above me). A bit of confrontation followed in the form of more honking from him.

Space between me and vehicle ahead was less than a meter and it wasn’t logical for me to start my vehicle to cover that gap. I was on a mission to save precious “Petrol”, which is worth Rs.75 per liter now.

Traffic jam of a mile is very common, but this art of honking is only followed in India.

when to use an horn:

1. An Indicator of Danger (In Bengaluru, most of the roads are dangerous with unlimited potholes and A**holes)
2. Driving in a Blind Spot. (We follow Gandhi’s 3 monkeys, only to certain extent. we always keep our eyes and ears closed, but our mouths and horns are always working)
3. Someone cuts into your lane or your path. (Lane, what is that? does Bengaluru roads have one?)

But why we use it (Indians):

1. To alert an resting buffalo or cow or other animals on the street. (Humans are also animals)
2. Every lorry asks me to Honk, so I do. (“HORN, OK, PLEASE”)
3. To wish some dear ones.
4. Time pass in traffic jam. (Jaise har ek friend jarror hota hai, horn bhi traffic jam me jarrori hai yaar,na na na na…..)
5. To Annoy or Abuse. (As in my case)
6. Background music to your songs. (Fit to be heard by yourself)

So why stop horny people, keep it coming.

Beeeeeep, Poooooommmmmm, Peeeeeehhhhhh,


  1. Some other possible reasons :
    – testing the horn, so that it dioes not fail you when you really need it, which is like every five seconds
    – means of expression which may have been curtailed at home on account of loquacity of the significant other
    – to alert traffic moving in the right direction when you are travelling on the wrong direction on the road
    – to call the delivery boy from across the road for getting a cup of tea or a cigarette
    and many other equally valid reasons 🙂

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