Today its proved YU (are un)Fit, Amazon

Indian E-Commerce has seen tremendous growth in past 2 years, benefiting all the stakeholders, customers, industry, investors, etc. Off late the concept of flash sale has created such a frenzy that people are forced to buy a particular product, at particular time, from a particular e-commerce website.

Today, 29th July was one such day, today is the day when global e-commerce player Amazon proved, its unfit to handle huge demand from customers.

Sales of YuFit – an activity tracker; competitor to MiBand failed miserably due to technical glitches in Amazon’s website.

Technical problem or not, customer care wasn’t able to convey the message of duration of this outage, they were doling out common response across the platform:
” There is some technical issues as of now. Our technical team is working on it. And the sale has been extended till 4PM.
So i request you to try placing the order after 30 minutes.”

This is the reply from Amazon after 6:30, on my Facebook asking me to join the race again on 31st:

” Hey! We have an exclusive sale on July 31st, 2015 at 2 P.M. for the customers who were able to add the product to the cart but weren’t able to check out.

– Grace”

Thanks Grace and all customer care associates for putting up such clueless replies to queries from customers.

Amazon you really made my day, you wasted my 1 hour trying to buy a product from your website.

Check out @Raowords‘s Tweet:

“@amazon @YUplaygod @Micromax_Mobile #yufit today is the day its proved YU (are un)Fit, Amazon”


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